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Traveling with small children

Added: Mar 31, 2021
Category: Vacation Tips and Hacks

Pick your flight time carefully.

This is essential when you're going on a long haul flight, flying can fill your child with so many emotions so choosing your flight time is key. Overnight flight might seem like a daunting option but in experience they are the best option of you having any chance of your child sleeping for a long period of time.

Electronics can be a life saver.

Yes screen time isn't advised for children younger than 2 years old however when in need on a flight this could save you from a meltdown. We recommend downloading a favorite film or show.

Pack their favorite toys in your carry on.

Packing a favorite toy or something that your child sleeps with will more than likely bring them comfort in the strange environment that is an airplane.

Snack, snacks and more snacks.

Airplane food can be hit or miss and children can be very fussy so the best bet is to pack different snacks that you know your child will enjoy. These are fine to take through security as long as they aren't fluids. We also found that bringing their own sippy cup (empty) and filling it on the plane will help even if they can drink out of a normal cup. 

Pack pajamas and comfortable clothing.

This is a great idea especially if you're going on a night flight, children like routine so dressing your child in what they would usually wear to sleep will help.

If you're traveling with a stroller and/or car seat invest in a gate check bag.

A stroller in the airport is a must, even if your child is walking independently there will be a point where they're too tired to walk. We highly recommend that if you're traveling with a stroller or even a car seat that you invest in a gate check cover. These are relatively inexpensive and will keep your stroller/car seat from germs and dirt. Most of the covers will come with straps so that you can easily carry them to the gate.

Make the most of priority boarding.

One of the best benefits that airlines offer is the priority boarding for family's and although sitting on a plane with small children while everyone else boards may seem like a bad idea in our experience it's a great way to get your family situated. You can make sure you put your carry on above where you're seated and also get your child familiar with their new surroundings. We also advise booking your seats if you can, as this will ensure you can sit where you feel most comfortable.

Change toddlers diaper just before you board.

The last thing you want is a leaking diaper when the fasten seatbelt sign is on, obviously things happen but if you can pre-empt it then even better.  

Introduce yourself and your toddler to the flight crew.

The flight crew can be your best ally so introducing yourself and family is a great idea. In experience the flight crew will go out of their way to ensure you're comfortable and you have everything you need.

Have something ready for take off and landing to help with the ear popping.

We all know that horrible feeling when you take off/land and your ears are popping. Well imagine what it's like for a small child, this is why we recommend giving them something that they can suck on. Either a sippy cup, pacifier or even a sweet of some sort (dependent on age of child).

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